Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Libigrow Product Overview

Libigrow Overview
The male enhancement product Libigrow is presented in a very modern, attractive way on the company website. The site features the Libigrow commercial, which gives the impression that, while it is a serious product, it can be used to make sexual activity more fun, as well as being more pleasurable. The manufacturer of Libigrow produces a range of goods for both men and women, including an arousal gel and Libigirl.
The website has a lot of useful information for the prospective consumer and includes a good FAQ section, numerous satisfied customer testimonials and a private, secure ordering section. A free sample trial size packet of Libigrow is offered with ‘no strings attached’, meaning the customer will not be locked into an unwanted auto-ship program. Although Libigrow is not designed to be a daily supplement, and only taken when needed.
Libigrow Product Details

The full ingredient list and product label are provided on the website although no ingredient amounts are shown and absolutely no explanation of the individual ingredient benefits is available. Overall, the formula, which is an all-natural blend of Cordyceps Sinensis, Flat-stem Milkvetch, Walnut, Ginseng, Dong Quai, Cherokee Rose and Astragalus, helps to increase the availability of Nitric Oxide in the body, which is essential for widening the blood vessels which in turn allows for greater blood flow to the genital region. By doing so, the penis becomes engorged with blood, producing a long-lasting and firmer erection. Additionally, the manufacturer claims the penis will increase in length by up to 35%, although unfortunately no clinical evidence of this is shown.

Good About Libigrow
  • Libigrow is presented in a fun but professional manner
  • The ingredients are all listed
  • A free sample of Libigrow is offered
  • The ordering process is safe and secure
  • The site features many customer testimonials
  • A 100% money back guarantee is provided
  • Libigrow is fast-acting
  • The product does not need daily dosage
  • Full contact details are provided
Bad About Libigrow
  • Libigrow is expensive
  • No ingredient benefits are provided
  • No clinical studies are shown
Libigrow The Bottom Line
Overall, Libigrow appears to be a genuine, natural alternative to the prescription drug Viagra. There are no side effects associated with the brand although it is advised not to take more than two capsules in any three day period. 

Facts: Cigarettes vs Cannabis vs Alcohol

Effects of Cannabis on the Brain

-When THC enters the bloodstream through the lungs, it heads straight for the brain. There, it is attracted to certain parts of the brain that have cannabinoid receptors. These include Cerebellum, Hippocampus, Cerebral Cortex, and Basal Ganglia.

-When stimulated, cannabinoid receptors will have the brain cells produce something called dopamine.

-Dopamine is associated with the pleasure system of the brain, bringing with it feelings of enjoyment and happiness. Dopamine is also produced naturally by the hypothalamus and the pineal gland.

Cannabis and the Hippocampus

-The Hippocampus is responsible for processing and arranging short term memories before they are to be filed away and stored as long term memories.

-During the time of intoxication (and only in that time) dopamine alters the way the Hippocampus processes information.

-Cannabis doesn't damage the brain at all, it merely alters the production rate of dopamine. Is Cannabis Addictive ?

-According the the DISAS Report done by the united states Department of Human Health and Resources done in June of 2005 there were NO chemicals found in cannabis that are addictive.

-Can one become psychologically addicted to cannabis? Of course! just like video games, cheeseburgers, sex, reading, reading, football. Etc.

-What drugs and known for having chemically addictice properties? Tobacco, alcohol, amphetamines, opiates, and anti-depressants. All of which are conditionally legal and can cause a lethal overdose. Can Cannabis Cause Lethal Overdose?

-"Drugs used in medicine are routinely given what is called an LD-50. The LD-50 rating indicates at what dosage fifty percent of test animals receiving a drug will die as a result of drug induced toxicity. A number of researchers have attempted to determine Cannabis's LD-50 rating in test animals, without success. Simply stated, researchers have been unable to give animals enough cannabis to induce death. At present it is estimated that cannabis LD-50 is around 1:20,000 to 40,000 times as much cannabis as contained in one cannabis cigarette. NIDA-supplied cannabis cigarettes weigh appropriately .9grams. A smoker would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of cannabis within about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response. in practical terms, cannabis cannot induce a lathal response as a result of drug-related toxicity"

- Answer.......NO!!!!!! Cannabis's Effects on the Lungs

-Yes it's true, when you inhale cannabis smoke you are inhaling carcinogens equally if not more powerful of those in cigarette smoke.

-However, the average cigarette smoker takes 12 to 14 drags off each cigarette, smoking as many as 20 to 30 cigarettes a day.

-The average pot smoker inhales 10 to 12 times a week! Schizophrenia, Amotivational Syndrome?

-Cannabis has been accused of causing people to become lethargic, lazy, unmotivated and even schizophrenic.

-Amotivational Syndrome: Any drug used in excess, to the point of almost permanent intoxication WILL cause you to throw your life away, not just pot.

-As far is Schizophrenia is concerned, these claims are outrageous and not supported by any scientific research or studies. Imprisoned Cannabis Users

Every year, federal and state governments throw an average of 872,720 cannabis users in prison. 89% of these prisoners are non-violent drug offenders, who have no record of crimes against peoples or property. They are forced to live, eat, sleep, bathe, and exercise alongside child molesters, rapist, murders, and thieves.

The prohibition of drugs cost the U.S. tax payers 19 billion dollars yearly.

Pot smoker arrested every 40 seconds in America.

Every second, 600 dollars is spent on the War on Drugs

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bring Back Memories - EDC 2011

North America's largest electronic music and arts festival returns this summer -- to Las Vegas!

The 15th Anniversary of Electric Daisy Carnival offers a high-spirited landscape full of new adventures, expanded possibilities and exciting ways to grow together in celebration through music and art.

For three nights, we invite you to dance, dream and explore inside several fully immersive art environments, six stages of world-class music, and a forest of full-sized carnival rides against the vast backdrop of the glittering desert sky.

This electrifying carnival experience is delivered with Insomniac's cutting-edge caliber of production and performance.

You bring the costumes, we'll provide the soundtrack.

Friday, Saturday & Sunday ::: June 24th - 26th
Las Vegas Motor Speedway

Journey with us: www.electricdaisycarnival.com


Monday, August 22, 2011

Amazing Electric Daisy Carnival! - A3 Network

Amazing Electric Daisy Carnival! A3 Network is a group of online video channels that reflect the modern lifestyle, featuring Bikini Girls, Sexy Pool Parties, Nightlife, Clubs, DJ's, Music Video's, Style, Art and Fashion. Whatever the flavor, the most exciting video's on the web! Original A3 Network content is produced by http://www.5thandocean.com


Party Supple - Bikini Pool Party!

Bikini Pool Party!
Busters Private Pool Party!
a bunch of people lost in the illusions of materialism...

Hemp - Facts

Did you know ...? Hemp can produce more than 5,000 textile products, ranging from rope to fine laces, and the woody "hurds" remaining after the fiber has been removed contain more than seventy-seven per cent cellulose, and can be used to produce more than 25,000 products, ranging from dynamite to Cellophane.

Herbal Incense Aroma - Reviews

Judgement Day herbal incense blend is considered to be one of the most aromatic herbal incense brands available.  Judgment Day spice blend is offered in 1 gram packets.
  1. Best effect comes close to real deal
    Posted by Givenpain on 24th Apr 2011
    Ive had the real thing over 20 years this is the closest thing to the real deal ! Any 1 know of anything as good please post the. Good news about all brands that way we get what were looking fot
  2. A new review for Aramageddon Incence Jydgement day
    Posted by Sinner402 on 20th Feb 2011
    Pretty good product I was satisfied. Lately I've been trying other brands. I was spending $20 a bag. It was alright at first but lately they (other brands) aint cutting it. When I tried it I felt its auromatic effect right away. I will definately continue to use judgement day thanks I do recomend this product to anyone who has tried other blends and they just want to try something better.
  3. Lol, dam
    Posted by Unknown on 7th Dec 2010
    One try... This is potent. It is a bit sedating in the fact that you won't move much. But it depends on ur mood I suppose, my favorite
  4. not same as armageddon!
    Posted by Somacat on 29th Oct 2010
    This incence may be made by armageddon but it is not the same product. I have been burning all their blends for the last year. It has a way more sedating aroma, while the armageddon is a more energetic aroma. equal in strength buy different in aromatic effect. Hope this helps. Peace, Somacat